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Anti Aging Super Easy DIY Natural Makeup Remover

After finding a great app called Think Dirty, I realized that most of my daily bathroom products were completely toxic and harmful. Most of the products were also damaging to our reproductive and developmental systems. The Think Dirty app allows you to scan products and it will give you a list of the ingredients and a toxic level scale of 1-10 (1 being the least toxic and 10 being the most toxic). After scanning all of my products, I saw that most of them were between 7-10 toxicity levels! So, I gradually started to clear out these products and replace them with super easy DIY products. Here are some of the reasons I chose these certain ingredients.

Witch Hazel: One of the most effective cleansers, restores PH levels on your skin, reduces under eye bags, tightens skin, reduces puffy eyes and loosens black heads.

Coconut Oil: Minimizes wrinkles by promoting collagen production.

Lavender: Promotes tissue regeneration reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Jojoba Oil: High in vitamin A and E, highly antibacterial, hydrates skin, and is a powerful antioxidant to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles.


2 drops Lavender

Note:​ It's super important to use 100% therapeutic grade essential oils, especially on your face. I recommend and stand by Young Living essential oils because I know they are the purest oils on the market. You can learn more about how to become a Young Living wholesale member HERE. This is the best way to order oils because you get super high quality oils at a discounted price.

Combine ingredients in a glass jar and stir. If your coconut oil is harden, just run the jar under hot water or heat it up in a pan. Add some of the mixture to a cloth or cotton pad and remove eye and face make up. Make sure you don’t use tissue paper as it clogs your pores. Wash your face using this fantastic recipe. Then follow it up with my “Keep Carding Me” anti aging cream. And, as my Grandmother would say, “Ya neva looked betta!” Oh, and you may want to take before and after pics, because this routine works!

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